Bureau of
Workers Compensation (BWC) Vocational Services

Career Assessment
Systems Vocational Services
of Services
Comprehensive Vocational Evaluation: (WO610) Career Assessment Systems brings CARF accredited vocational evaluation services to the consumer’s
location. Our professional staff transports a state of the art
technically advanced system of software and equipment to any suitable
location in Ohio.
Comprehensive Vocational Evaluation
(WO610) includes:
Demographics: individual
vocational evaluation plan, referral questions, background, income,
transportation, education and training information.
Interest: measures
expressed interest in 12 Guide to Occupational Exploration cluster
areas with over 12,850 occupations.
Academic Achievement:
measures General Educational Development in reading comprehension,
vocabulary, spelling language art skills and mathematical computation.
Learning Styles: measures
5 cognitive, 2 social and 2 expressive social modalities which
indicates how the brain processes and retrieves information.
Vocational Behavior:
measures behavior in 20 critical areas that facilitate working and
living in the community.
Work History/Transferable Skills
Analysis: transfers actual work history into identified
aptitude skills.
Worker Qualification Profile:
11 aptitudes are assessed twice in different modalities and compared
to the industrial standard adjusted for learning and combined with
transferable work skills to identify matching occupations from the
O-net, standard occupational classifications and dictionary of
occupational titles.
Physical Demands:
measures ability to meet physical capacity in 20 specific physical
demand factors inherent in work.
Environmental Conditions:
measures ability to meet environmental capacity in 14 specific
physical surroundings factors inherent in work.
Temperaments: measures
ability to meet behavior capacity in 11 specific personality trait
factors inherent in work.
prioritized options are presented in a vocational plan of action that
answers specific referral questions to overcome rehabilitation
barriers and promote competitive employment.
O’Net Labor Department Job Bank:
utilizing comprehensive vocational evaluation results, a search of The
Labor Department O’Net database is incorporated to identify
occupations as a part of the vocational plan of action.
Wage and Earnings:
geographic wage and income earning potential information are detailed
in an attachment format.
Vocational Screening/Transferable Skills
Analysis: (WO631)
Includes the following from the above
listed services. Demographics, Interests, Work History/Transferable
Skills Analysis, Physical Demands, Environmental Conditions,
Temperaments, O’Net Labor Department Job Bank, Wage and Earnings.
CAS staff
Credentials and a sample report will be provided when you e-mail us at:
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Phone: (330) 332-9577